Thursday, April 28, 2011

harry potter is life

"it swept us away to a world we've never returned from"

this is how i have always felt about harry potter. i have been in love with it from the first time i got it for christmas when i was 7. my mom and me read the first books together, and then i got older and read them by myself. that is another reason why it means a lot to me. they helped me to truly love books and reading. they will ALWAYS be my FAVORITE books of ALL time. when this movie comes out it will really be over. and my heart will break a little. and yes, i will probably cry. i know i sound dramatic but seriously, harry potter is very important to me, and means a lot to me. from all the memories it's given me, to the amazing world it introduced me to, to the characters i LOVE and feel as if they are my close personal friends, to a love for reading, for making me a better reader, to bonding me with friends, for teaching me wise lessons (let's face it, dumbledore is the wisest persone ever), to teaching me about being a true friend, it comforts me, and has gotten me through some tough times. As you can see it's really given me a lot. so yes, i know i am a nerd but harry potter is real to me. haha call me crazy but its true. thank you j.k. rowling, for being so brilliant and creating a series of books i will cherish forever.

i tried to post the video on here but got confused! so just go to the link instead!


  1. i havent even read this post yet, but i wanted to thank you for posting it.

  2. aaaaaaand i'm honored you quoted me melly!! seriously. i gasped. hahahaha

  3. hahaha sorry mills! i forgot to ask you if that was okay.but it was just perfect. you are a genius! love you
