Tuesday, July 31, 2012

#6 Pet Peeves

If you asked Mary she would make fun of me because I say just about everything is "my worst thing" or as Jordan just said, "what aren't your pet peeves?" but I would say my number one thing is....

When people start to say something and then stop and refuse to continue... SO ANNOYING if you are going to start saying something you better finish it. Goodness I hate that.

When people won't stick up for themselves or others.

When people tell me what to do


When people's voices sound different than they usually do.. Yeah that is a weird one, but it really bugs me.

Sometimes the way people just choose to live their lives is a pet peeve to me. Haha just kidding... sort of.

1 comment:

  1. haha! this one made me laugh because I can picture you saying all these things! haha! I love you!
